Last Thursday my Lulu Walker Elementary career had come to an end. I am officially done, checked out, turned in keys and packed up my classroom in Arizona. It was a very emotional couple of days with my kids and my friends from work. My students absolutely loved my end of the year present I gave them, and they had given me a great present as well....another year of learning patience with children. This year I had the gifted group of kids and they had challenged me to no end. They argued with me constantly, but in the end taught me how to cater to their challenging needs. I have learned so much at Walker and my 2 years there, and I will never forget.
Now I just hope to find another school so welcoming and caring in Seattle. Every teacher at Walker had so much to offer and offered me a wealth of knowledge. I will definitely miss them and I hope I can find another school just like it.
Last weeekend we also had our garage sale! We didn't make a whole lot of money but we were just happy to get rid of furniture and other miscellaneous items that needed to be gone and cleared out. This week is set aside to start the packing process so wish us luck that we are very organized and thoughtful during this tedious process.
I will leave you all with pictures of my last days at Walker and our garage sale from last weekend.
Seattle Countdown: 18 days!!
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