Sunday, November 22, 2009

Almost Thanksgiving!

Hello All! Well the time is almost here for us to stuff our turkey and ourselves. Steve and I have a lot to be thankful for this year. Unfortunately, we're not very thankful that we both are starting to get sick...I feel that I'm getting a sinus infection and who knows what Steve has. I'm so happy I only have 3 days of school this week and a 5 day weekend. In the spirit of Thanksgiving here is a list of 20 things Steve and I have been thankful for this year....

Top 20 of what we are Thankful For:

1. Having each other through the good and bad
2. Having such wonderful dogs
3. Our wonderful families that are so supportive of us
4. Visiting our families that live in such fabulous places (Seattle,WA, St. Petersburg, FL, Texas...)
5. College Football
6. NFL
7. Our lazy Sundays...being in our pajamas for most of the day
8. All of our friends
9. Our dear friend Jon who is doing well serving our country in Iraq
10. Our Whistler surviving snowboarding
11. Through Steve's unemployment we are doing very well financially
12. For me being at a wonderful school with great co-workers
13. Our health (not at the moment but overall)
14. My new and improved cooking abilities
15. Our families who come and visit us in the hot, dry desert
16. The ability to have patience (my students and Steve bring this upon me everyday)
17. We have a nice comforting home to come home to everynight
18. Steve's musical abilities (he's helping my students with the music in their play this December)
19. Our drive up to Seattle, and our 2 week vacation there. (I'll get to see a new part of our country I've never seen will the dogs!)
20. Christmas is coming soon! :)

We hope you all have a blessed and relaxing Thanksgiving Day!!

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